When I was a kid and my family went on Walt Disney World vacations, my mom would ask me how early we had to start the next day. The answer to “how early should you arrive at Disney parks?” was obvious: When the park opened.
I couldn’t imagine not being in Disney World — if we were in Orlando and the parks were open, how could we possibly not be in one of them?
She’d say, “How about 9? Can we leave around 9?” And I’d firmly shake my head. (FTR, my parents didn’t do that bargaining-about-everything-with-the-kid thing, but on WDW trips, they wanted to give us the most magical trip possible.)
When I went for the first time without my family, the notion of starting late — like afternoon late — was wild. “Are we allowed to do that?” I thought. And then Mike and I looked at each other and went, “This is our vacation! We can design it however we want.”
Ever since that first trip together, we’ve been devoted late-arrival Disney park go-ers. The earliest we’ve been there is about 9 or 10 a.m., and that’s only because a fire alarm at our Airbnb woke us up at 7 o’clock and we couldn’t get back to sleep.
We show up to the parks any time between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. usually, and we’ve gone as late as 3 p.m. if it’s a night when the park’s open late. We often stay until closing, but not always. And we’ve never left a park or a Disney trip and thought, “We didn’t do enough.”
Here’s why you may want to sleep late in Disney World and advice for night owls who are wondering, “How early should you arrive at Disney parks?”
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Is Rope Drop Worth It? Not to Everyone!
We’d never knock Disney World rope drop — it definitely has its appeal. Those park pictures where nobody’s around? To die for.
But for two night owls who like to sleep in, rope drop won’t feel like a treat in any way. You’ll have to force yourselves out of bed to exhaustedly wait with a crowd of people, and then you’ll be overtired by the time evening comes around, which is probably your favorite time to be in a Disney park.
You have to ask yourself if rope drop is better than an Epcot or Magic Kingdom late arrival. If the answer is “yes,” awesome. Enjoy it!
But if it’s “ugh, no,” then give yourself permission to create your Disney vacation the way you want it.
Starting Late Helps You Avoid Some of the Florida Heat
Arriving between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. doesn’t mean you’ll skip over the strongest heat of the day, which climbs from noon to 3 p.m. However, arriving late to a Disney park does let you limit your daytime hours overall.
You can also plan accordingly. Since you know that you’ll be arriving and spending the first few hours of the day while it’s extra hot, prepare for a lot of indoor time, possibly including a sit-down dining reservation.
Before you know it, that midday heat will have burned off and the sun will start going down. You can then spend the majority of your Disney park day in cooler weather — or at least the coolest weather you’ll get, considering Florida can be a humidity hellscape. 🥵
Insider Tip: Planning a trip for the fall or winter, when the sun goes down early, is the best way to limit sun-up park hours.
You’ll Still Get Plenty of Disney Park Time
So many Disney vacationers feel that if the park’s open, they want to be there. And I get it. Even when you accept the fact that you simply prefer late arrival to Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, etc., it can feel strange not to take full advantage of the park ticket you already bought.
At what cost, though? An open-to-close park day can be 12+ hours long. Body aches, utter exhaustion, suffering in extreme heat… Who needs it?
Your Disney World trip should be as enjoyable as possible. You can’t avoid some Disney headaches, like screaming children, long lines and disappointing snacks that cost $20, but you can design your park day however you want.
If you got a super-late start and did a Magic Kingdom late arrival at 3 p.m., you’d still have 7 hours there on a day it closes at 10 p.m. That’s not counting Main Street, which stays open a bit later than the rest of the park.
We’ve found that 6 or more hours is the sweet spot for a Disney park day. You may not get everything done in that time, but as kid-free Disney adults, you don’t have to get everything done!
How Early Should You Arrive at Disney Parks? Final Thoughts!
Don’t forget about the “vacation” part of a Disney vacation. Whether you want to sleep in and start with an Animal Kingdom late arrival or you like to pop by Disney Springs first for some Everglazed donuts and then arrive at Epcot around noon, you do you.
Curate your Disney park day so that you’re enjoying your time in the park and enjoying your vacation the rest of the time.
Want to have a Genie Plus-free day at the Magic Kingdom? Here’s everything we did without Lightning Lanes.
Featured image: Eric Abrom via Unsplash
[…] 3 Reasons To Get to a Disney Park Later in the Day […]
[…] (For you Disney adults out there who like to sleep in, check out our article about the perks of arriving later in the day.) […]
[…] 3 Reasons Why It’s OK to Get to a Disney Park Late […]
[…] Want more advice about planning your perfect Disney day? Here’s why we love arriving later than most. […]
[…] you may want to plan a different type of Magic Kingdom itinerary. And the same can be said for you late arrivers, like us. Some days, we opt to go on anything that isn’t popular with most guests. […]
[…] While the website says you can book two or three Lightning Lanes using Genie+, we’ve gotten a lot more out of it — and we usually arrive in the afternoon. […]
[…] How Early Should You Arrive at Disney Parks? It’s OK to Get There Late! […]
[…] Plus, getting enough water is important for your energy levels, and even if you’re a late-arriver like we are, you still needs tons of energy to make it through a Disney […]
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